Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Want Candy

Been slightly tardy posting this Oracle commission which was completed on December 7th.  This was a fun one - I was at a opening for an exhibition at Kibbee Gallery and received the call AFTER the fire jugglers performed.  Of course, at the time I was dissappointed. I mean, wouldn't a photo of people juggling fire be perfect for the Oracle - rife with meaning and novelty? I have become something of a collector.  Having done this for years, I'm kind of jaded and I get excited when I come across an image that I haven't encountered before.  And I have to tell you, I had not even thought about fire jugglling before.  But, the Unvierse wisely knew fire juggling would be completely inappropriate for this question. The caller is apparently quite charming and there are four men she is currently seeing.  Here, then is her images and her question:

Which person will I end up with?
She did mention that one man was a painter, she just saw his work in a gallery, and he likes candy. Oh dear - now I have the Bow Wow Wow song stuck in my head - 'I Want Candy'

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